Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Our day yesterday....

This is something I posted to the email list, but I thought I would share it here....a typical day around here....

Started early as the kids had to get their planters down to the Cincinnati Flower this is a huge deal, they have never let juniors have planters at the show before and we know very little about plants. Of course in typical fashion, we had to stop at 3 diferent places to try to find the missing lettuce for Grant's container (no luck) and when we got there we had to haul the containers quite a distance! The kids were so proud of themselves. The women that checked us in were wonderfully sweet and they even invited me to join their garden club (of course it appears I would be the youngest member by about 20 years!). We will find out tomorrow if their containers did well enough to earn ribbons!

After dropping of our containers, we dashed back home so Grant could shower and get dressed for his BIRTHDAY pictures. Hannah and Em dressed the other kids because after the pictures we had to get to a park program. Pictures turned out well, despite the fact that I had to run all over JC Penney's to find someone to tie his tie for the picture (Grant wanted a "fancy" picture).

We headed to the park program (the topic was weather) and it was wonderful to see so many of our homeschooling friends. Keith, the park naturalist, was WONDERFUL and everyone learned so much, including I never knew it could only hail when it was hot out or that the earth spins counterclockwise. I was so surprised that Kas showed up with her girls, I forget how wonderful it is when we see them regularly (they have been so sick this winter). After the program we picniced and played in the park for a couple of hours.

Popped home, Jay and I ran Hannah up to dance and then we went to the cardstore to get MLB showdown cards and then to ToysRUS to pick up a bike for Grant for his birthday. Stopped in Krogers for a cake and icecream. Jay also grabbed some cookies for Grant to take to his baseball practice.

Got home and Jay left almost immediately with the boys to head up to the ballfields. Cade had his first t-ball practice (he was so excited) and Grant's team had practice after that. Once Jay was finished at the ballfields he swung by the dance studio and picked up Hannah.

We all met at 9 PM at Smokey Bones for Grant's birthday dinner. Both the staff and a table of customers commented on how well behaved the kids were (does a mom's heart good). The customers happened to be retired school teachers who even commented how they would have loved to have had such well behaved kids in their classes....OK I didn't have the heart to burst their bubble and say the kids were homeschooled! They even gave us free desserts (hot cinnamon donuts which they wrapped for us to take home) . Once we finished dinner we headed home.

Stopped and bought was $1.99 a gallon....I couldn't BELIEVE it.....the price had dropped over $.70 in two weeks! Of course the $20 I put in only gave me just over 1/4 of a tank in the monster van!

We got home and sang happy birthday to Grant, he opened his presents and went off to play MLB showdown with Brett.

So we will soon see what today brings....children are beginning to stir! I hear laughter coming from upstairs!

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