Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Grant turns 10!

Those with double digits ages now officially outnumber those with single digit ages in our household! Grant turned the MAGIC 1-0 today! He surprised me when he asked that I make cornbeef, mashed potatoes and green beans as his birthday meal (the kids can chose whatever they want for dinner on their birthday, most chose to go out to their favorite restaurant). His gift requests were simple, a GBA game, wrestling guy and a pair of sliding shorts for baseball.

Grant was thrilled that he got to hang out with his friend Chris for part of his birthday even if it was at the community gardens and at baseball practice. He lead the highs and lows at dinner. I love hearing what was the best and the worst part of everyone's day!

Grant was born on the one year anniversary of the OKC bombing. The day of the bombing I was shell-shocked. I remember spending so much of the day sombing, surrounds by my three small children. At one point I laid on the couch, nursing Emily and I fell asleep. I had the oddest dream. My husband's aunt who had died when I was pregnant with Brett (she had been a nun) appeared to me, holding a baby in a blue blanket in her arms. I assumed the baby was my nephew Jack who had been stillborn a year or so before Brett was born. Sister Hilda told me that it was OK to grieve today, but that next year I would rejoice on this date. So fast forward a bit...we move to a new house and a few months later I realize I am PREGNANT! I go to the doctor and we do all the calculations, including a dating ultrasound and everything agrees that our newest addition is due May 17th. I half joking say something like "that date doesn't matter. This baby will be born on April 19th". The doctor just laughs. I think he was a bit more freaked out than I was when I went into labor on April 18th and delievered Grant at 1 AM on April 19th.

1 comment:

hestiahomeschool said...

This story raises the hairs on my arms every time I hear it.

GIve the birthday boy a big hug for me.