Saturday, April 08, 2006

Happy 6th Birthday Cade!

It is hard to believe that merely 6 years ago my bright eyed, inquisitive son entered this world at this very moment. His delivery was by far my most tramatic and scary. His shoulders got wedged after we had delivered his head and he spent 8 minutes stuck, without oxygen. I will never forget looking between my legs and seeing my OB crying or overhearing her hushed words to the nurse to "get the chaplin, we've lost him". In a last ditch effort, thinking he was already dead, she wedged her hand in, snapped his arm and yanked him out. Limp, blue, lifeless they worked on him and then this faint squeak (it wasn't even a cry) came from the corner of the room. As the chaplin walked in, my son gasped for his first breath!

Today, to look at him, you would never know what a tramatic entrance he had into this world! He will tell you that the "stupid doctor broked my arm" when he was born. I really can't imagine my world without him!

So today we celebrate with a raspberry cheesecake from Jerry's Cheesecake and a few gifts. A gameboy that he has been asking for since Christmas, a couple wrestling figures and a bag of gummy bears!

Happy Birthday, Cade!

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