Thursday, September 27, 2007

Greenacres September program: Pond Study
Thursday, Sept. 27
12:00 PM
Organized by Sally

Concept: The pond is composed of different habitats each of which is home to variety of inhabitants with adaptations for life in a watery environment.

We will:
Use dip nets to scoop organisms out of the Delaware Pond for observation in the viewers

The plankton tow will be used at Shawnee Pond to catch small pond inhabitants to examine under a microscope

The rains left the trails too wet and treacherous to hike, so we drove up to the pond. Despite the rains, we had a wonderful time and it was probably one of the coolest pond programs we have done. The only diappointing thing was not being able to actually get into the pond. The viewers and microscopes were absolutely awesome, it was so cool to see everything close up, especially those critters like the plankton that you can't see with the naked eye!

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