Saturday, January 29, 2005

Beginning Reading Class
Loveland, OH

Cindy C. writes: We are looking for 2-4 children roughly 6-8 years of age for a beginning reading class. The class will take place on Thursday mornings either from 9:30 to 10:30 or 11 - 12. The cost will be between $5.80 and $8.75 per class depending on how many students are enrolled with a maximum of 6 in the class. We would like to start the class as soon as possible. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Cindy C.

Course description: Decoding and phonics skills for reading fun. We will demystify the reading process and learn the skills neeeded for reading adventures.

As soon as this was posted, I contacted Cindy to get more info. After hearing back from her, we decided that we would enroll both Grant and Jacob in these classes. I am curious to see how they go! It should be interesting!

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