Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010 9:01 AM, EDT

We had an amazing visit with Tori last night! We dropped Hannah at work and borrowed her car to go down and see her. When we got there, a fellow homeschooling dad came down to visit. He pastors a small church in Covington and he came to offer prayer with us for Tori. After his visit we spent a few more hours with Tori and she was awake for almost an HOUR! We couldn't believe it. She is usually only alert for a few minutes at a time, but she was so awake and alert! She was really sucking on her pacifer, hopefully that will translate into good news when the speech and occupational therapists work with her on feeding! She is up to 50 ML every 3 hours and is feeding at 9, 12, 3 and 6. She spit a little yesterday in the afternoon (I personally think it is the vitamin they are giving her) but none last night or overnight!

Yesterday afternoon I was just hanging out, waiting to go see Tori and dreading having to pump. I have such a love/hate relationship with that stupid thing! Jay brought in the mail and there was a package for me. I wasn't expecting anything but eagerly opened it. I was totally surprised by what was inside. A mom from one of the email lists I am part of sent me a a hands free nursing bra to use with a breast pump. My initial
reaction was to chuckle and then I thought, what the heck, I have to try this......well 20 minutes later I think I could be the newest spokeswoman for the product....it was so comfortable and worked to well to hold the flanges in place (a better seal than I usually get when hand holding), I ended up with more milk and also was able to continue pumping for about 5 minutes after the milk seemed to "stop" (which they have been encouraging me to do to increase supply, but I
never do because I am uncomfortable). It has to be one of the most thoughtful gifts I have ever received and certainly something I would have never considered buying for myself (especially given our current financial situation). I will think of her and her kindness every time I use it (which would happen to be at least 6 if not 7 times a day!, I usually sleep through the one time at night I should pump!).

I am hoping to go see Tori in a few hours if the girls are up for visiting her. If not, I may bum a ride with a friend whose son has an appointment at Children's later this afternoon!

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